God Redeems First

Exodus 1-14
One of the most important and famous stories of redemption in the Bible is the story of the Exodus.  The Israelites, generations before, had to flee from the promised land down to Egypt due to famine.  Initially they were allowed to settle in Egypt and for around 400 years they flourished.  Eventually a Pharaoh came to power that was hostile to the Israelites and enslaved them.  They were subject to horrible conditions, living in squalor, and forced to do backbreaking labor.  Pharaoh even ordered all Israelite boys to be killed at their birth.  The Israelites desperately needed a savior, to redeem them from their awful situation.
God hears the cry of the needy, so he sent Moses and Aaron to redeem the Israelites from slavery.  God instructed Moses and Aaron on how to lead His people out of Egypt.  He did battle with the evil gods of Egypt and defeated them.  He sent plagues and troubles to Egypt until Pharaoh let the Israelites go and then split the Red Sea allowing the Israelites to pass before swallowing up the armies of Egypt.  He saved and redeemed the people of Israel.  After the yoke of Egyptian oppression was thrown off, He began the long process of guiding His people into the promised land and revealing to them His law.
I do not know if you caught it but pay attention to the narrative - God redeemed His people before he gave them the law.  He saved them before they even knew how to be His people.  He delivered the Israelites knowing that they would sin against him and lose faith in the future.  He redeems before expecting something in return.  He does not need us to clean ourselves up and then ask for redemption.  He wants us to ask for redemption, be redeemed, and then learn how to live a Godly life with His help.  Like the Israelites, Jesus already did the saving on your behalf, all you have to do is accept it and after you have accepted it, you live your life like He has saved you.
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