
Grounded in the Word. Alive in the Spirit. Sent on Mission.

Winter 2025 Courses

Courses will not meet: March 5 (Ash Wednesday), March 19 (Spring Break), April 2 (Holy Spirit Conference)

Dr. Andrew Thompson

Parker Hall

Rev. Todd Lovell

McBirney Chapel

Dr. Matthew & Heather Johnson

MSLC 231

Rev. Steve & Faith Dickie

MSLC 232

Pre-Order Your Midweek Meal

Winter/Spring Dining Locations: 
Please note that Thomas Hall is unavailable for dining this semester. You may eat your meal in Parker Hall, the Library Cafe, or MSLC Classrooms.
Thank you for pre-ordering your midweek meal for Wednesday, February 19Your choices include:
  • Chicken Sandwich ($5)
  • 8 Count Chicken Nuggets ($5)
  • Cobb Salad with your choice of chicken and dressing ($9)
Each meal includes chips, cookies, and water.

What about My Kids?

Read below for information about each age group and which ages require pre-registration!

6 Weeks through Pre-K

Children ages 6 weeks-PreK will participate in safe, fun, and age-appropriate care on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Please note that childcare is only available by registration; we are unable to accommodate walk-ins at this time. Please pre-register your child using your class registration form.

Kindergarten through 5th Grade

Children ages K-5th grade are invited to become Blasters and join us at Bible Blast! Bible Blast is a longstanding tradition here at First Methodist, where kids are invited to engage with the entire Bible in a year, learn scripture, worship, and earn awesome prizes. Bible Blast is a family-discipleship program, but our Blast families and leadership are excited to welcome elementary kids whose parents are attending a class on Wednesday evenings.
Please note that while all elementary Blasters are welcome to engage with the weekly curriculum and participate in quizzing while at Blast, our First Kids staff will provide an alternate option for kids who prefer not to quiz or to do the weekly homework. All are welcome at Blast! Please pre-register your child using your class registration form.

Grades 6-12

Bible Biz
Bible Biz is an inductive Bible study course that we will be going through the entire Book of the John verse-by-verse. Through the NIV Study Bible and personal devotional, students are able to learn how to use his/her own Bible for study. They learn such things as using the concordance, maps, charts, commentaries all included in one Bible. There is a student manual available for Bible Biz for $20. Click here for more information about Bible Biz.
Firsties Youth
Youth Midweek is focused on equipping students to become Alive in the Spirit. We do this through community worship, meaningful small group discussions, and time for fun and fellowship.  This time is meant to equip and launch students to be a light in the world as they live out their faith beyond the church walls. For more information on Youth Midweek, email Andrew Randoll. Youth Midweek does not require registration.

Kingswood Courses

The name Kingswood Courses is inspired by the Kingswood School that was founded by John Wesley outside of the city of Bristol in the early 1740s. The purpose of the original Kingswood School was to train the children of the poor in the area and to equip them with everything they needed to serve God in their lives.
Our Midweek offerings have long served the purpose of training of men and women to pursue the work of the Kingdom with everything they have. You’ll see certain courses marked as Kingswood Courses. This simply means that these courses are focused on helping you be grounded in the Word of God, alive in the Spirit, and sent out on mission. We’ll continue to offer other great selections like Beth Moore studies, GriefShare, and Financial Peace University.