Coming Up...

The Blessing Project

Sunday, April 6 | 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | Upper Concourse
  • Help pack blessing bags for teachers.

At First Methodist Church of Tulsa, we are people who value scripture, desire the work of the Holy spirit in our lives, and seek opportunities to serve our neighbors.

Our Local Outreach mission is to invite, empower, and equip church members to be grounded in the Word, alive in the Spirit, and sent on Mission. Our vision is that every person in our church would have a place and a passion to serve and impact our city for Jesus. 
Our goals in Local Outreach are simple:
  • To make outreach a vital part of our church.
  • To impact our city with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • To equip our members for service.

Eugene Field Elementary School

We've been loving, praying, supporting, and encouraging staff and students at Eugene Field Elementary and sharing the love of Jesus in the community since 1994. This ministry is a testimony to the power of God through relationship and prayer. 

Ways to Serve at Eugene Field

Quarterly Community Events

Serve at our once-a-quarter Friday night party for the neighborhood.

Spark Bible Kid's Club

Share the love of Jesus with kids at our Bible Kids Club on Wednesdays from 2:30-4:00.

Teacher/Staff Prayer Partners

Pray for a teacher or staff member and send a card once a month.

Big Bucks Store

Kids earn bucks during the week and can spend them in the Big Bucks Store. You can donate gently used items. Serve by helping students shop or by donating gently used items for students to purchase.

International Community Outreach

A local opportunity with global impact. Through partnership with ICO, located on the campus of Tulsa University, we have the opportunity to share the love of God with international students from diverse faith backgrounds on campus every week.

Ways to Serve with ICO

International Student Family Partnership

Establish a friendship and be a home away from home for international students at TU. Through these relationships the Holy Spirit provides opportunities for conversations about our hope in Jesus.

Lunch at the Wesley Foundation

Join international students for a meal at 11:30 on Thursdays.

Furniture Fest (Fall Seasonal)

Welcome international students to Tulsa at Furniture Fest on the TU campus. Engage with students and help transport furniture.

The Blessing Project

The Blessing Project gives people of all ages an opportunity to serve together and bless our community in a simple and powerful way. Blessing Project events happen on Sunday mornings at First Methodist, and they are simple, engaging, family-friendly, and can be completed before, after, or in-between worship and Sunday school. One Sunday may include filling bags for the homeless, preparing goodie bags for college students, or writing letters of encouragement to our Faith Promise Global Partners. Dates and opportunities are shared in our church newsletter, The Bulletin.

Soup for the Soul

For more than twenty years, Rick and Sally Gibbon have been leading a crew of volunteers to serve a meal to the homeless community on the 4th Thursday of the month at the Tulsa Day Center.

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