Invite someone to church

Our desire is that everybody has the opportunity to become a fully committed follower of Jesus Christ. The gospel is for everybody and everyone has a place at First Methodist where they can be grounded in the word, alive in the Spirit, and sent on mission.
We don't want to just invite people to church; we want people to meet Jesus. And if you're already a follower of Jesus, we believe it's part of our job to help clear the way to get people to Jesus. 
And sometimes, that journey for someone to encounter Jesus can start with an invite to church. It can be as simple as hitting like or sharing a post on social media. Or it could be that you grab a few invite cards from the Boulder Lobby on Sunday morning to carry around with you as you go throughout your week. 

Encouragement for Inviting Someone to church

Sometimes all it takes is a simple invitation to jumpstart someone’s spiritual journey. Here's how to start:
  • Identify those around you who could use the hope and help that can only be found in Jesus. Family? Friends? Co-workers? 
  • Begin or continue loving your neighbors and get to know those around you better. 
  • Ask God for the eyes to see those around you like He does, and then ask for the courage to invite them to church or to share your story with them.
Here's what's important to remember:
  • Your job is to listen. Be humble. And help them encounter Jesus and hear about the life change you've experienced because of Him. God will do the rest.
  • You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be real.
  • Don't be discouraged - sometimes people say no. Keep praying, keep inviting, and keep sharing about Jesus!