Young Adults

Young Adult Breakfast

Sundays | 9:30 a.m. | 4th Floor Commons (Sanctuary Building, Level 4)

  • Are you a young professional looking for a Christian community to connect with? 
  • A college student looking for a church home?
  • A 20-something seeking direction in your life?
  • A young parent who needs a body of like-minded believers around you for encouragement and support? 
Drop in for our young adult breakfast on Sunday mornings for large and small group Bible study and discussion. Anyone age 18-35 is invited to join! Contact Hannah for more information.

Young Adult Communities

Are you ready to move from information about Christ to the transformation of your life? Do you need a way to really dig in with someone as your faith gets more real to you? Do you want a life that looks different and set on fire for the Lord? Join a young adult community! Starting with dinner, we will ask each other what the Lord revealed to us through His word, how we are doing in our walk with Christ, and share any prayer requests that have a hold on us.
For more information about Young Adult Communities, contact Hannah Wells.

Tuesdays | January 14 - May 13

6:00-7:30 p.m. | The Wells Home (Contact Hannah for address.)
Geared toward ages 18-29, but open to all young adults.
No group on March 18.

Wednesdays | January 15 - May 14

6:00-7:30 p.m. | The Parlor at First Methodist (Sanctuary Building, Level 3)
Geared toward ages 25-35 and young adults with kids, but open to all young adults.
For information about Wednesday night childcare, contact Sarah.
No group on March 19 or April 2.