Comfort in Change

Hi, if we haven’t met yet my name is Courtney Wright. I grew up in Colorado and came to Tulsa for ORU. I got my degree in dance and now am teaching competitive dance at a studio in Bixby.
Something that God has been teaching me recently, and really all my life, is that he is faithful when things feel out of control. I have never been great at adjusting to change (is anyone really good at that though), and honestly, I am worse at handling when things feel out of my control. I have had to lean on my previous experiences of God’s goodness recently as I have faced some life changes that felt too big for me to handle.
One example of this that I have been clinging to, was a time of change during my freshman year of college. I had made the decision to go to a school in West Palm Beach, FL, and was SO excited to be living in Florida and pursuing my dream of dancing. When that year started, I was confident that I was exactly where God told me to be. However, as the year went on, I felt myself falling away from God and I lost my joy for dancing. I knew I had to make a change which was very scary cause I thought I was living the dream. I felt like God was asking me to give up everything I really wanted. I had grown up hearing that he wouldn’t ask you to give up something without replacing it with something better but when I was faced with giving up Florida in exchange for Oklahoma and ORU I really wasn't sure. Ultimately, I was obedient (obviously) and transferred. Looking back now, I can see God’s protection in this hard decision.
I have had to recently make the decision to move back to Colorado which feels just as scary as leaving Florida to me. I have friends, a job, and a routine here that I am giving up, but I am confident that whatever God is asking me to give up here he will redeem during my time in Colorado.
A verse that I always go back to is Philippians 1:6 “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.” I have to remind myself that he is not done with my story, and he will be faithful to be with me no matter what I am going through.
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